
Academic Fanatic


Academic Fanatic

Here are a collection of projects I have worked on.

To learn more click on an image from the gallery.






Self Study - Neuroinformatics

To standardize and streamline the process of data collection and to produce more timely results.

A fulfillment for two classes, my project of choice was to investigate a hypothetical design for a research-based system revolving around the neuron connections of the brain. An abstract statement is provided below. 

Lessons Learned

  • Relational modeling and logical design

  • SQL- implementing, populating, and querying databases

  • Organizational and managerial decisions in database development

Rationalizing Scale

Three main problems prevailed in the processing of data:

  • Lack of an anatomically organized collection process within industry to place data in an organizational schema

  • Need for a sizable network volume to handle heavy data load (10.5TB)

  • Configuring both schema and network in human readable form


Hybrid rational, entity-attribute-value (EAV) database model

  • Benefits

    • "Attribute" titled entities consisting of "attribute" classes to reduce complexity

    • Comparable to "fan" pattern

    • Interoperability, adaptability, and scalability

  •  Drawbacks: 

    • Lack of integrity constraints and null values

    • Extensive upfront work

Use Case 1: Data Analysis

Relevant Models


The human brain is one of the many wonders of the universe. Its complexity has consumed scientific researchers for centuries. It relies on over 100 billion nerve cells that too, rely on other millions of cells and neurons. However to this day the brain still remains remarkably mysterious to even its possessor. In the past century WEmatter researchers have proposed to map the white matter tracts in the brain by decompressing each individual cell body and reconstructing that cell. This process is referred to as connectomics with a “connectome” denoting the sum total of connections between the neurons in a nervous system. Similar is the close relative, “genome,” as it implies completeness; your connectome contains over one million times more connections than your genome has letters. Connectomes are so intriguing because unlike gene’s they have the capacity to evolve or “reweigh” themselves throughout your lifetime; consider a new habit or a new language.

The task alone is daunting. The first problem is collecting the data and the second is making use of it. To put it in perspective, a roundworm has a total of 302 neurons linked by 7,500 synapses. In comparison the human cerebral cortex contains 1011 neurons linked by 1014 synaptic connections that span a range of six to nine orders of magnitude.  With the typical neuron composed of three parts, dendrite, axon and soma, every synapse is distinct in nature and magnitude. While axons can reach magnitudes of between 10μm (micrometer) and 106μm there counterpart, a dendrite, may only fall between 10 and 1000 μm, with less certainty. To match and validate a synapse, massive data collection is required. Anatomical pairings are completed at resolutions of 2 nm or better. To compose, annotate and process such data is timely in addition to costly; the image data alone requires 10.5 TB of storage. To map the human brain at the neural level is entirely more ominous than any other living animal that we know. To organize, abstract and curate it into human-readable form for analysis is an unmanning job. Using computer-aided software, technology and processing such procedures can be alleviated.   

The knowledge accumulated from resulting data has the potential to be life altering. Data could provide researchers gained knowledge and potentially cure unresolved diseases. 


Full Report


Personal Website

Personal Website

Personal project - website

To explore my interests and broadcast them to the world.


Lessons Learned

  • Troubleshooting: 

I ran into many issues developing my website from pre-implementation to post-implementation

  •  Javascript:

With no prior javascript knowledge, utilizing d3.js required my own discovery and teaching of javascript

  • Discipline and patience:

As self-taught project, it was imperative to not get frustrated when something didn't run properly



My website originated with a vision incorporating minimal design and aesthetic features to showcase my personality. Researching many websites, I found many inspiring designs. My simple minimal design concept quickly turned into an adventure of ambition and learning.To create my landing page, I based the design around Vincent Garreau's "particles.js" and worked with D3.js to customize my own features. This project taught me about website design and gave me practical experience. Beforehand I had relatively little working experience and no breadth in knowledge of javascript. 


Google App Engine Project

Udacity Nanodegree

Google App Engine Project

Udacity Nanodegree

udacity nanodgree

To deepen my knowledge of computer programming.

Lessons Learned

  • Webscripting- HTML and CSS

Basics of the internet and what goes into a good website. 

  •  Python:

The python programming language, structured data, functions and how to use these paradigms to solve big problems.

  • Web apps:

More on programming concepts: abstraction, control flow, and API's. 


Final Project

The final project for Udacitiy's nanodegree, Intro to Programming, required a web app hosted by Google App Engine. The app served to hold notes accumulated throughout the program and exhibit a collection of smaller projects, including a guestbook for guest comments.


  • Google app engine

  • API integration

  • HTML, CSS, python and JS 

  • Django

  • Database integration


Spot n' Park

Systems Programming

Spot n' Park

Systems Programming

Theoretical mobile app:

spot n' park

To practice entrepreneurial thinking, planning, and executing.

Lessons Learned

  • Information systems: analysis design and development

  •  Mobile architecture with unix/linux operating system architecture

  • Team dynamics



A project for systems programming class, Spot N' Park was developed by myself and four other students. I participated in the group as CTO. 

My tasks included:

  • Use case analysis

  • Requirements definition- functional and non-functional

  • Technical requirements and solutions architecture

  • Database design

  • Security measures and limitations

  • Design slides and presentation


University Course Planner

Systems Programming

University Course Planner

Systems Programming

Theoretical Web app:

University Course Planner

To practice entrepreneurial thinking, planning, and executing.

Lessons Learned

  • Business planning and pitching

  • Information systems: analysis, design, and development

  • Understanding of unix/linux operating system

  • Project management in team environment



In collaboration with university advisors and support of a systems programming project, University Course Planner (UCP) was developed by myself and five other students. UCP utilizes a unique algorithm to quickly map out a students schedule for future quarters taking perquisites and class availability into consideration. The system interacts with students as a virtual advisor.

I participated in the group as project manager.

My responsibilities included:

  • Lead the development of project plan

  • Define project requirements

  • Outine project benchmarks and key success metrics

  • Design database

  • Identify project scope and future implementations


Regulatory Issues

Computer Communication Systems

Regulatory Issues

Computer Communication Systems


markets and regulating issues

To understand issues facing new technological markets.

Lessons Learned

  • Limitations facing new tech: security, privacy, and legal

  • Understanding of networks

  • Internet network models and application to today's technology

  • Practitioners concerns and perspectives



This research project analyses the growing pressure on network systems by society and adaption of new technologies. As a group, we identify the need to address security, privacy, licensing, and spectrum management policies. 

I participated in the group as primary research analyst. 

My responsibilities included:

  • Define project and develop proposal

  • Research market and identify key issues

  • Design slides and presentation